Thursday, June 2, 2011

2nd Edition! Tot and the Bully Shield

So there were a couple of things that bothered me in the first edition of TOT.  I fixed them and now TOT is available in a 2nd edition here or here.  I think it ended up looking much better.  If you purchased the first edition and would like the new version of Tot send me an email.  I will hook up with a solid discount.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Outdoor Barn Market

We will be selling books and other amazing things this summer at the OUTDOOR BARN MARKET in Midway, Utah.  

It starts May 28th and we will be giving out these cool Bully Shield bands.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

TOT and the Bully Shield is an E-book!

If you have a Nook download it at Barnes & Noble HERE

If you have an iPad or iPhone you can get it at the iBookstore

If you have a Kindle you can get it at Smashwords HERE

Smashwords has love for Android too, you can view it in your browser, or download it to your phone HERE and read as a pdf or use a reader app.

You can also just buy it at Smashwords and read it on your computer!

If you still think $1.99 is too much for a book about a heroic tater tot just email me at and I will hook you up with a coupon!

Print edition paper lovers can still go HERE

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

MY BOOK IS READY! TOT and the Bully Shield

"There will always be bullies Tot. Just know that I love you and I can help you through it."

Tot is a tiny tater tot who goes to Potato Public Elementary where he gets bullied daily by Fry and Spud. Tot decides to turn to his family and friends for advice. With their help Tot learns that he has a Bully Shield... he just needs to turn it on.

Bullying is a problem that affects nearly everyone at some point in their lives. Although we may not be able to completely stop bullying in schools, we can definitely strengthen our children from home. "Tot and the Bully Shield" provides young readers with tips on how to deal with this serious issue.

You can order a copy HERE!